Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Years Day

Happy New Year! I hope 2013 treated you well and that 2014 will be even better! 

In my family it is customary to go on a new years day walk to blow the cobwebs (hangovers) away. This year however, I am not with my parents. When you read this they will be in Wales striding across our favourite beach and I shall be in the Cotswolds, bringing in the new year with some of my uni friends. I am also sure that for some of you, getting out into the great outdoors is the last thing you feel like doing right now!
So with that in mind I donned my tweed and my wellies and went out on a pre-new year welly walk. I documented my little adventure for you so you can enjoy the countryside without leaving the comfort of your chair/bed/floor! 

(I suggest grabbing a cup of tea and having a listen to this for the full restorative effect!)

Perfecting my gazing into the distance face

I knew being precious and not wearing my new hunters was a good idea!
 Just as my walk was coming to an end, I made some new friends!

How photogenic is this little guy?!

And that was it, I headed back home and warmed myself back up with a cup of tea in this fantastic mug.

It's from Marks & Spencer, a place that I usually overlook for anything other than food but if they're creating beauties like this I'll have to pay it some more attention.

So that's it, a new years wander so you don't have to. Or maybe its inspired you to get out and about? Let me know in the comments below! 

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